Dec 23, 2007

Have You Blasted Your Metroids Today?

[located in the Games section]

It seems as if I had to have the semester end before I could make any progress on my Flash work. Thusly, this time of the year allowed me to finish working on Metroid Blaster, a game I started almost a year ago. The original purpose of the game was to take a beloved franchise (Metroid), change its genre (platformer/adventure to arcade action), change its controls (controller to keyboard/mouse), and see if it still functions.

As per usual with all of my Flash games, I always try to learn something new that could benefit me later. In this game, I finally dabbled in the world of stereo sound. Hopefully my effort in that department is working. Other than that, I had to cut a lot of content out of the game, for if I continued working on whatever I thought could be added, it probably would never get finished. Omitted items include missile powerups, various level designs, fusion Metroids, and a final boss Metroid that doesn't fit on the screen.

Many thanks to my beta testers that helped me out over the summer. And for those of you Metroid fans that feel the need to mention it, I'm well-aware that there were never any Metroids in Old Brinstar. That level simply has a fond place in my pixelated memory. Have fun playing and enjoy.

Nov 30, 2007

The Bean Bag, ver. 4. Finally.

The Bean Bag

I finally got around to updating the look of my website that showcases my work in Flash, including games, experiments, and animations from the past that I'm glad I've learned from. I went for simple this time around, making sure that it doesn't take too long to get to anything on the site.

The bad news is that there's nothing new on the site content-wise. The good news is that I'll be adding a game I've been working on for a few months relatively soon. I just have some things to tighten up before it goes live. I suppose more good news is that all of my games work in Firefox now, which had nothing to do with me. Firefox simply doesn't support a feature that naturally works in IE. It's been resolved on my end, though, so everything should be fully functional now. Enjoy.

Nov 27, 2007

Informal Introductions

Greetings Everyone,
As you no doubt have guessed, this is my blog. I thought I'd start things off with a piece from my Drawing for Animators class. The first image shows the general order of progression I went through to get the composition, while the second image is my final piece, after adding values, color, blurs, and other assorted visual candies. I rather enjoyed working on this piece.

And the final drawing:

That'll be about it for now. I plan to use this blog for school work - including animations, images, and gaming materials - as well as things for fun, such as Flash experiments and games. It should be pretty fun as I get more content here. Until then, enjoy yourselves.